The FTD® Sweet Solace™ Bouquet
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

The FTD® Sweet Solace™ Bouquet is a divinely elegant arrangement that encourages peace and offers your sympathy. Brilliant white roses and calla lilies are simply set amongst lush greens in a clear glass gathering vase to create a meaningful gift that will help your special recipient through this trying time of grief and loss.

GOOD bouquet includes 13 stems. Approximately 15" x 13"W.

BETTER bouquet includes 17 stems. Approximately 16"H x 13"W.

BEST bouquet includes 21 stems. Approximately 19"H x 15"W.

Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized gift message.

The FTD® Sweet Solace™ Bouquet



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Neighborhood Flower Delivery areas :

Gilroy, CA