Currently Not Available
The Spring Garden® Bouquet by FTD® employs roses and Peruvian lilies to create a sweet expression of charm and grace set to make a lasting impression on your special recipient. Pink roses, Peruvian lilies and mini carnations are arranged amongst lush greens to create a memorable flower bouquet. Presented in a beautifully etched designer clear glass vase, this flower arrangement is a beauteous display of your gratitude and affection to help celebrate Mother's Day, a birthday, anniversary or just to wish your special recipient the
BEST on the day ahead.
GOOD bouquet includes 9 stems.
Approximately 15"H x 11"W.
BETTER bouquet includes 13 stems.
Approximately 16"H x 13"W.
BEST bouquet includes 17 stems.
Approximately 17"H x 15"W.
Your purchase includes a complimentary personalized gift message.
Currently Not Available