Big Hug® Birthday Bouquet
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

The Big Hug® Birthday Bouquet is that perfect way to say "Happy Birthday" to any of the special people in your life in celebration of their big day! Full of color and life to let them know the party has started, this fresh flower arrangement brings together yellow Asiatic Lilies, red carnations, red mini carnations, yellow cushion pompons, blue iris, and bupleurum to create an eye-catching display. Presented in a blue ceramic vase with a plush brown bear donning a party hat sweetly hugging it tightly on the side, this birthday bouquet is a unique gift blooming with festive fun and love at every turn. BETTER bouquet Approx. 16"H x 12"W. stems Carnation Iris Lily

Big Hug® Birthday Bouquet



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Gilroy, CA